Friday, June 5, 2009

goodbye my lover!!

The time has come when we part ways... yours, to newer seductions and mine, down the dusty lanes of will power.

I remember my first time... how I longed for you as you did the rounds at our house warming party that cold december night. I tossed and turned the remaining night deep in your thought, planning my move and as the new day dawned, I knew... I had to do it. I was 12 then and your sinful thought was playing havoc on my mind.

I waited till the afternoon sun cast its weary spell upon my family... and snuck up to my sister's bathroom. Did I question my decision then?... maybe for a second... but my heart was pounding so hard, ready to tear out of me into the sink.

The first touch, your lingering smell... oh that indescribable feeling... emboldening me further. And as I drew you in deeper, my head spun with unknown sensations.... I grabbed the sink lest I fell. With every breath that escaped my lips, I knew... I knew this love affair was for keeps. Well, ten minutes and we were spent... not bad for a beginner, I thought.

Six years went by... without a word of that fateful afternoon. The dull scraping in my stomach remained dormant till I ventured up the hills north east. I was older and bolder. You came back and we got busy stealing minutes... in cars, illegal restaurants, loos, a friend's terrace, under the TT table, in the dark of the night... to hell with those who sought our best interests and notified the authorities... losers!!

At 22 it all fell into place. I was living by myself... no nuns, sneaky batchmates, over protective parents. Needless to say, you moved in. Even Bboy was so into you that he didnt complain. It seemed like this ménage à trois was going to work ;)

to be cont....


Rohan Sura said...

glad u completed your first! sounds interesting! haha :D

The Ketchup Girl said...

can't wait to read the rest. Love your style...very clandestine lover-ish.

The Ketchup Girl said...

oh and welcome to the blogging world :D

Primitive Lyric said...

I wandered in via Abhilasha's blog! You write really well! Adding you to list of blogs I follow. Waiting to read more.